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Kimberly Reilly

Kimberly Reilly

Writing bios are the worst, aren't they? I will do my best not to bore you. But no promises. 

Throughout my life, I’ve always been drawn to helping others. My professional background is focused on helping people find something – usually homes, employees, or customers. My passion to help others is paramount across my 25-year career history. While working with people in varied industries, the conversation would often turn to the vision they have for their life or business. I am an existentialist at heart and thrive in these conversations. I believe we can impact our own destiny through the power of conscious choice. The professional turning point for me was realizing how difficult it is for most of us to make a fully conscious choice. In order to determine what direction to go, we need to search within and define our core values. Then, how to honor those values. Many people desire change yet struggle with execution. I know I did.

In 2018 I was faced with the beginning of a profound personal exploration of my own. My child suddenly became very ill and was hospitalized, their future uncertain. My effort ferociously thrown into their healing and with my focus on little else. These specific circumstances may be unique to me, but the resulting fallout is not. I lost my vision. It’s easy to do when we put ourselves last. But it’s a fool’s errand – an empty vessel cannot pour. In my personal life I still seek my child’s recovery, but my approach has changed. I am more purposeful in how I go about it and make space for my own well-being. In life, especially in crisis, we must put our own oxygen masks on first. And making conscious (and sometimes difficult) choices unbinds us from what we feel we “should” do to create a platform to move forward as our authentic selves.

My mission is to give a voice to the unconscious self. I work with all people to find within themselves the value and purpose at their core, and work with them to design a plan to achieve fulfillment in their lives. Authenticity is key. In my coaching practice, we explore subjective desires and utilize evidence-based protocols backed by science. Understanding the neuroscience behind human tendencies is critical to creating lasting change. It is that devotion to the science that led me to the certification program backed by McLean, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School.

My daughter thought I should include the reason for my business name. The North Star has aided explorers in navigation since +/- 400 AD. Quick science lesson, the reason for this is that the earth’s axis is pointed directly toward Polaris, which is the largest of the 3 stars that make up the “North Star”. (You read that right. The North Star is made up of 3 stars!) So as the earth turns on its axis, the vantage point of the North Star remains unchanged. This made it the perfect navigational tool (that is, before Waze came along). Aside from the obvious reference to navigation and wayfinding, I chose to name my practice after the North Star, because this name has deep personal meaning to me as well. My grandmother, Helen, was a guiding light in my life when she was alive. Whenever I wasn’t sure what to do, she always had the guidance I needed to push forward. To this day, when I am stumped, I often think of what she would do in a situation. She is still a very present force in my daily life, and I commonly reference her as my North Star. In sessions, you might even catch a glimpse of the star tattoo on my left wrist in homage to her, reminding me every day to follow that guiding light.

If you made it this far you deserve an award for perseverance. There are many factors to consider when selecting a coach that you can trust with your life’s vision. I find the most critical factor to be the personality fit. I am happy to schedule a free 15-30 minute phone/zoom consultation for us to meet before deciding to work together. Feel free to message me and we can set a convenient time to chat! I look forward to getting to know you on this journey.


Unbind yourself from what should be and dream about what could be.

Kimberly Sledgister

Professional Compliments

It's always nice to be acknowledged.

*Names withheld to honor confidentiality.

Kim’s professional expertise and strong interpersonal skills produce superior results. Her attention to detail and positive attitude distinguish her above her peers. She is highly motivated with an enthusiastic can-do attitude. Kim is very capable of working and communicating effectively with a variety of personalities.

S. H.

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